manufacturing: Employers Supporting

ACT Work Ready Communities is a solution for manufacturers who are looking for a community approach to developing a talent pipeline for the long term. All aspects of the workforce—emerging, transitioning, and current—are considered. Manufacturers in participating counties, regions, and states can count on the foundational workplace skills of individuals able to earn an ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate™. Employers across America have found that the minimal time they invest in using the ACT WorkKeys NCRC® for hiring, promotion, and training yields positive returns.

Manufacturing occupational profiles identify the tasks and skill levels required across companies and related industries. Occupational profiles are created by summarizing a set of related, very detailed job profiles. Job profiles allow a more in-depth understanding of the job-specific foundational skills needed for success in each position. As a result, employers are better able to identify and invest in employees who can make real contributions to the bottom line.

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