Will, Illinois

Will County is a participating Work Ready Community that is actively engaged in earning their certified status.

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Nov 30, 2024

Goals updated only for participating counties

17003 Alexander 0.27 0.24 us-il-003 AL 17181 Union 0.49 0.49 us-il-181 UN 17187 Warren 0.50 0.50 us-il-187 WA 17109 McDonough 0.50 0.50 us-il-109 MC 17147 Piatt 0.50 0.61 us-il-147 PI 17113 McLean 0.50 0.50 us-il-113 MC 17195 Whiteside 0.50 0.50 us-il-195 WH 17089 Kane 0.50 0.50 us-il-089 KA 17043 DuPage 0.49 0.50 us-il-043 DU 17119 Madison 0.60 0.50 us-il-119 MA 17083 Jersey 0.42 0.58 us-il-083 JE 17193 White 0.36 0.49 us-il-193 WH 17059 Gallatin 0.50 0.34 us-il-059 GA 17019 Champaign 0.50 0.50 us-il-019 CH 17053 Ford 0.32 0.82 us-il-053 FO 17041 Douglas 0.50 0.50 us-il-041 DO 17045 Edgar 0.66 0.63 us-il-045 ED 17007 Boone 0.50 0.50 us-il-007 BO 17201 Winnebago 0.50 0.50 us-il-201 WI 17155 Putnam 0.50 0.50 us-il-155 PU 17099 LaSalle 0.50 0.37 us-il-099 LA 17121 Marion 0.50 0.50 us-il-121 MA 17025 Clay 0.51 0.50 us-il-025 CL 17197 Will 0.33 0.60 us-il-197 WI 17049 Effingham 0.65 0.67 us-il-049 EF 17051 Fayette 0.38 0.28 us-il-051 FA 17035 Cumberland 0.64 0.50 us-il-035 CU 17163 St. Clair 0.62 0.38 us-il-163 SC 17027 Clinton 0.38 0.35 us-il-027 CL 17189 Washington 0.73 0.50 us-il-189 WA 17145 Perry 0.50 0.50 us-il-145 PE 17175 Stark 0.70 0.50 us-il-175 ST 17073 Henry 0.50 0.50 us-il-073 HE 17123 Marshall 0.39 0.51 us-il-123 MA 17143 Peoria 0.38 0.39 us-il-143 PE 17011 Bureau 0.40 0.38 us-il-011 BU 17103 Lee 0.50 0.50 us-il-103 LE 17029 Coles 0.23 0.52 us-il-029 CO 17037 DeKalb 0.49 0.50 us-il-037 DE 17093 Kendall 0.50 0.50 us-il-093 KE 17039 De Witt 0.38 0.50 us-il-039 DW 17107 Logan 0.50 0.50 us-il-107 LO 17129 Menard 0.50 0.50 us-il-129 ME 17157 Randolph 0.71 0.50 us-il-157 RA 17077 Jackson 0.62 0.51 us-il-077 JA 17203 Woodford 0.61 0.50 us-il-203 WO 17105 Livingston 0.49 0.36 us-il-105 LI 17057 Fulton 0.39 0.50 us-il-057 FU 17071 Henderson 0.66 0.62 us-il-071 HE 17135 Montgomery 0.38 0.67 us-il-135 MO 17061 Greene 0.50 0.37 us-il-061 GR 17149 Pike 0.57 0.50 us-il-149 PI 17017 Cass 0.62 0.50 us-il-017 CA 17009 Brown 0.34 0.50 us-il-009 BR 17137 Morgan 0.67 0.51 us-il-137 MO 17117 Macoupin 0.50 0.50 us-il-117 MA 17005 Bond 0.49 0.50 us-il-005 BO 17191 Wayne 0.50 0.51 us-il-191 WA 17167 Sangamon 0.38 0.50 us-il-167 SA 17153 Pulaski 0.53 0.32 us-il-153 PU 17127 Massac 0.30 0.24 us-il-127 MA 17065 Hamilton 0.50 0.50 us-il-065 HA 17047 Edwards 0.49 0.50 us-il-047 ED 17173 Shelby 0.50 0.62 us-il-173 SH 17115 Macon 0.50 0.50 us-il-115 MA 17021 Christian 0.50 0.60 us-il-021 CH 17031 Cook 0.73 0.65 us-il-031 CO 17131 Mercer 0.49 0.50 us-il-131 ME 17183 Vermilion 0.50 0.50 us-il-183 VE 17185 Wabash 0.52 0.34 us-il-185 WA 17101 Lawrence 0.50 0.50 us-il-101 LA 17111 McHenry 0.50 0.50 us-il-111 MC 17179 Tazewell 0.60 0.50 us-il-179 TA 17055 Franklin 0.50 0.50 us-il-055 FR 17081 Jefferson 0.50 0.50 us-il-081 JE 17141 Ogle 0.50 0.50 us-il-141 OG 17067 Hancock 0.61 0.49 us-il-067 HA 17169 Schuyler 0.50 0.52 us-il-169 SC 17079 Jasper 0.50 0.50 us-il-079 JA 17023 Clark 0.51 0.50 us-il-023 CL 17091 Kankakee 0.59 0.49 us-il-091 KA 17125 Mason 0.67 0.44 us-il-125 MA 17159 Richland 0.50 0.50 us-il-159 RI 17165 Saline 0.50 0.50 us-il-165 SA 17069 Hardin 0.32 0.50 us-il-069 HA 17151 Pope 0.50 0.30 us-il-151 PO 17133 Monroe 0.41 0.58 us-il-133 MO 17177 Stephenson 0.50 0.50 us-il-177 ST 17161 Rock Island 0.58 0.78 us-il-161 RI 17001 Adams 0.49 0.50 us-il-001 AD 17075 Iroquois 0.50 0.50 us-il-075 IR 17087 Johnson 0.50 0.50 us-il-087 JO 17095 Knox 0.51 0.50 us-il-095 KN 17013 Calhoun 0.48 0.25 us-il-013 CA 17171 Scott 0.50 0.50 us-il-171 SC 17015 Carroll 0.61 0.50 us-il-015 CA 17063 Grundy 0.50 0.50 us-il-063 GR 17085 Jo Daviess 0.69 0.51 us-il-085 JD 17199 Williamson 0.50 0.50 us-il-199 WI 17033 Crawford 0.35 0.50 us-il-033 CR 17097 Lake 0.50 0.50 us-il-097 LA 17139 Moultrie 0.50 0.35 us-il-139 MO

98 %

of goals attained

Progress Towards Goals

Will is actively participating in the Work Ready program. To become a Certified Work Ready Community, they must prove their ongoing commitment to developing a thriving economy for employers and employees. Requirements include:

  • Having economic development advocates receive training at a Work Ready Bootcamp.
  • Help members of the community's current, emerging and transitioning workforce earn National Career Readiness Certificates.
  • Generate support among private and public employers in the community for hiring people who have earned an NCRC.

ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate [NCRC]

Workforce Total
Emerging High School 9804 2005 5231 2467 101 9
College 199 27 82 58 32 24
Current Private 993 177 431 275 110 73
Public 573 150 261 138 24 36
Transitioning Adult Education 58 18 28 10 + +
Unemployed 2753 482 1275 794 202 724
Recent Veteran 16 + + + + +
Workforce category not identified + 0 0 + 0 0
Totals 14389 2860 7312 3744 473 871
Workforce Total
Emerging High School 9804 2005 5231 2467 101 9
College 199 27 82 58 32 24
Current Private 993 177 431 275 110 73
Public 573 150 261 138 24 36
Transitioning Adult Education 58 18 28 10 + +
Unemployed 2753 482 1275 794 202 724
Recent Veteran 16 + + + + +
Workforce category not identified + 0 0 + 0 0
Totals 14389 2860 7312 3744 473 871

The table above is a detailed breakdown of the same ACT WorkKeys NCRC data presented in the upper right box on this page and represents ACT WorkKeys NCRCs earned or improved throughout the community. All ACT WorkKeys NCRC data is updated monthly.

+ Value less than 4

ACT WorkKeys NCRCs Earned

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Nov 30, 2024

Workforce Goals Actual NCRC
Emerging 4391 10036
337 1675
Transitioning 2607 3548
Workforce category not identified + 1
Workforce Goals Actual
Employers Supporting 194 65

Improved ACT NCRC

To/From Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Not Earned 68 9 0 0
Bronze 32 2 1
Silver 56 0
Gold 4