ACT’s Ready for Work Podcast

The Voice of the Workforce Ecosystem

ACT is officially launching our podcast to educate and encourage local and national workforce professionals. If you’re an economic developer, subscribe now to learn how you can have a bigger impact on the industry.

We’ll have episodes twice a month and cover a range of topics you don’t want to miss! Tune in and listen to Senior Program Manager for ACT Work Ready Communities, Jasen Jones.

Topics include:

  • Skills-Based Hiring/Credentials
  • Employer & Sector Strategies
  • Poverty Reduction/Targeted Populations
  • Training/Education Alignment
  • Economic Development Competitiveness
  • Workforce Development/WIOA
  • Workforce Data and Job Analysis
Check out ACT’s Ready for Work podcast page on Spotify.
Subscribe to Ready for Work from your favorite podcast app through this RSS feed.

About Work Ready Communities