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Grant County, Arkansas
The Arkansas Division of Workforce Services has a new Assistant Director. Eddie Thomas previously served as Workforce Development Director at the Southeast Arkansas Planning and Development District in Pine Bluff. Thomas is set to lead the Employment Assistance Unit, which governs statewide WIOA programming and local workforce board activities. Under Eddie's leadership, all ten southeast counties are now participating in Work Ready Communities.
Alliance President Lou Ann Nisbett continues - -with almost crusade-like zeal — her efforts to publicize the importance of Jefferson County’s attaining certification as an ACT® Work Ready Community
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. - Three counties in Arkansas-- Grant, Arkansas, and Jefferson are launching efforts to become certified ACT work ready communities.
This initiative is designed to assist these counties in developing its workforce in hopes of giving their communities an economic advantage.
Video with Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson announces the launch for Arkansas, Grant, and Jefferson counties in pursuit of becoming Work Ready Communities