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Marion County achieves ‘work ready status May 13, 2019

Corey Mehaffy, executive director of the Northeast Missouri Economic Development Council (NEMO EDC), announced earlier this week that Marion County has achieved official designation as a Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC).

Lunenburg Leaders Make Official SWRC Announcement May 09, 2019

LUNENBURG – Lunenburg County Community Leaders officially announced Tuesday, April 30, 2019, that Lunenburg County has been named the seventh county in the State of Virginia to become a Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC).  The announcement was made at 2 p.m. at Benchmark Community Bank. This initiative has been guided by key community leaders such as our County Administrator, Board of Supervisors, Economic Development Planner, Lunenburg County Public Schools, our Chamber of Commerce, and most importantly our local businesses and workforce agencies.

Work Ready Oswego NY Initiative Making a Mark May 08, 2019

A groundbreaking new initiative in Oswego County has the potential to mark the community as the first in the Northeast to earn a skilled-workforce designation that could lure new businesses and jobs to the area. Led by Cayuga Community College’s Executive Dean of Community Education and Workforce Development Carla DeShaw, the ACT Work

ACT seeks partners for WorkKeys Efficacy Study May 07, 2019

Take this opportunity to learn more about how ACT WorkKeys scores relate to grades, program completion, productivity, job performance ratings, and more. ACT is conducting efficacy research to examine relationships between the WorkKeys 2.0 assessments and relevant performance outcomes. Participating partners receive a powerful institution-specific report at no charge as well as study results aggregated across participating institutions.

WashCoMS 1st County in the US to the Reach 3rd Maintenance Tier of ACT WRC Cert. May 02, 2019

The Washington County Economic Alliance (WCEA) is pleased to announce that Washington County has met all the criteria to reach the third maintenance tier to retain their ACT Work Ready Community certification. Washington County is the first participating county in the United States to achieve third tier certification.

“ACT congratulates Washington County, Mississippi, first in the nation to achieve the third tier Work Ready Communities certification,” Fred McConnel, Director of Work Ready Communities at ACT. “The leadership team in Washington County is a model for the nation to leverage the Work Ready Communities framework in the alignment of training and capture of growth opportunities for new and existing employers.” April 29, 2019

Lunenburg county VA celebrates acheiving Work ready community status.  

Lunenburg Meets Work Ready Community Goals April 29, 2019

LUNENBURG – Lunenburg County has been participating in the ACT Work Ready Community program in an effort to earn their certified status. During the recent Lunenburg County Board of Supervisors meeting, an announcement of Lunenburg County exceeding their goals for a Certified Work Ready Community designation was made. Supervisor Mike Hankins thanked the schools and community for helping with this certification and stated, “This is a really big deal for Lunenburg County.”

ECC, OIC team up to offer manufacturing training April 25, 2019

A local non-profit teamed up with Edgecombe County Community College recently to equip college and career readiness students with skills in manufacturing.

South Louisiana parishes look to link national certification to help students land local jobs April 24, 2019

Think of the high school ACT test and an exam for college-bound students comes to mind. But the organization that puts on the tests also offers one for high school students who plan to go straight into the workforce full time once they graduate.

It's called the Work Keys exam and it tests students on their ability to use applied math, understand workplace documents and correctly use information from charts and graphs. Successfully passed, the test earns a student an ACT National Career Readiness certificate.

Maryland leaders focus on job training during Hagerstown Community College celebration April 22, 2019

Saying that Maryland businesses need “homegrown talent,” Lt. Gov. Boyd Rutherford praised local job-training programs Thursday.

Rutherford and Maryland Commerce Secretary Kelly M. Schulz were at Hagerstown Community College to help celebrate milestones in two training efforts.

The first was the formal opening of the new Energy and Trades Training Center on the HCC campus.

 The second was Maryland’s initial listing as a Work Ready Community through the ACT WorkKeys program

This website reports the ACT® WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificates earned at the county and state level and the progress being made by those participating states and counties in the ACT Work Ready Community initiative. This site only represents data stored in the ACT RegiSTAR™ system, a web-based reporting and management tool for ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificates.

State and national ACT WorkKeys NCRC data runs from January 2006 through , while county-level data is starting from January 2012. State job profile data runs from January 2007 through , while national job profile data reaches back to 1993. Again, please note that county-level ACT WorkKeys NCRC data collection began in January 2012 for WorkKeys Internet Version, and in July 2012 for pencil and paper assessments. State and national certificate totals include historical data prior to 2012.

WorkKeys® assessments are used across the nation, and many states have built their own Career Readiness Certificates based upon WorkKeys assessment results. You will find an asterisk denoting those states. This website will continue to evolve as the first two rounds of participating states give us feedback on what they would like to see -- and based on your feedback, as well.

Please contact us if you have comments, questions or would like to receive more information.