
Work Ready Communities Brochure August 08, 2018

This four-page printer-friendly brochure (PDF) makes it easier to share an overview of Work Ready Communities, as referenced in the Ready for Work podcast.

Attack Tennessees job problem with cooperation August 06, 2018

At the post-secondary level, the First Tennessee Development District is working to see all eight counties in Northeast Tennessee certified as ACT Work Ready Communities, a credential job seekers can use to prove their skills and companies can leverage to know they’re hiring qualified employees, while Northeast State Community College and the regional Tennessee Colleges of Applied Technology continue to provide opportunities for education and certification.

Great video from Washington County, MS folks on Profiling July 27, 2018

We offer to companies in at no cost. Profiling allows HR to use the at a hiring tool.

Rehabilitation through Innovation: A Workforce Solution July 26, 2018

Workforce, workforce, workforce. Society’s migraine? Workforce. Where can we find people, good people, qualified people, reliable people for our jobs? Unfortunately, as a country, our workforce issues have been nearly forty years in the making. From a community perspective, to think that this matter can be resolved within ninety days is simply not rational. But, I do believe it can be addressed and show substantial progress within the next three years. To do this, we have to think differently. As I am quick to tell people, “Our processes are not organic. Getting the right people, with the right skills and education, in the right jobs, is strategic, not organic.”

Building a Stronger Workforce in Washington County July 19, 2018

Video tells about WRC success in Washington County MS.

National career readiness certificate attracts attention from local job seekers and employers July 16, 2018

In the past year, since the free test was first offered in the Omaha metro area, more than 500 people have taken it and received the certificate, which is issued by ACT. The organization also produces the ACT test, which measures college readiness.

Wisconsins Foxconn Bonus: Foxconn to Expand Wisconn Valley Innovation Network with New Foxconn Place Chippewa Valley in Downtown Eau Claire July 16, 2018

Company to purchase six-story building and space at Haymarket Landing to grow footprint of its Wisconn Valley technology and talent hub across west-central Wisconsin

County backs workforce readiness July 13, 2018

Lamar County District 1 Supervisor Steve Lampton will join a team of leaders representing government, K-12 education, workforce, economic development and the business community as part of an initiative to provide certification for county workforce.

ACT program could boost job market in Lamar County July 10, 2018

Lamar County officials are hoping to attract employers to the area, assist employers already in the county and help residents looking for work by becoming an ACT Work Ready Community. ACT is the same entity involved with college testing.

The Chronicle of Higher Education: "Can a 20-Minute Test Tell Employers What a College Degree Cannot?" July 10, 2018

Goldie Blumenstyk from "The Chronicle of Higher Education" interviewed Pace President Marvin Krislov at their offices in Washington, D.C. She quotes him in her article about whether hiring practices should include tests and whether those tests can be more of a determining factor of employment readiness than a college degree.  Suzana Delanghe, chief commercial officer at ACT, says that the number of people passing the three 40-to-60-minute tests required for the NCRC credential has grown steadily over the past five years. (More than 488,000 people earned the certificate in 2016.) "There is a huge demand to find a standardized test" that communicates applicants’ skills to employers, especially overseas, she contends.