Lamar County District 1 Supervisor Steve Lampton will join a team of leaders representing government, K-12 education, workforce, economic development and the business community as part of an initiative to provide certification for county workforce.
Lamar County officials are hoping to attract employers to the area, assist employers already in the county and help residents looking for work by becoming an ACT Work Ready Community. ACT is the same entity involved with college testing.
Goldie Blumenstyk from "The Chronicle of Higher Education" interviewed Pace President Marvin Krislov at their offices in Washington, D.C. She quotes him in her article about whether hiring practices should include tests and whether those tests can be more of a determining factor of employment readiness than a college degree. Suzana Delanghe, chief commercial officer at ACT, says that the number of people passing the three 40-to-60-minute tests required for the NCRC credential has grown steadily over the past five years. (More than 488,000 people earned the certificate in 2016.) "There is a huge demand to find a standardized test" that communicates applicants’ skills to employers, especially overseas, she contends.
Chippewa Valley Technical College is working with colleagues in education, business groups and companies to spread the word about the test that gauges soft skills.
Their intent is to get Eau Claire County named the first Work Ready Community in Wisconsin — an honor that testing company ACT bestows on areas that meet certain goals.
Alliance President Lou Ann Nisbett continues - -with almost crusade-like zeal — her efforts to publicize the importance of Jefferson County’s attaining certification as an ACT® Work Ready Community
Steve Halter, the director of economic development for Poplar Bluff Industries, the regions non profit economic development organization, says the communities cheif selling points are its central location and infrastructure, as well as its status as an ACT Work Ready Community.
Workforce training is still job one for locations vying to compete for high-tech projects, but talent acquisition—a.k.a. recruiting—now is a critical component for success. Yokohama Tire Manufacturing decided to locate its first U.S. commercial truck tire plant in Mississippi. Prior to taking the Basic Manufacturing Skills Course, potential applications to Yokohama must first take the WorkKeys Career Readiness Certification test. Individuals who score Silver or higher (scores range from Bronze, Silver, Gold, to Platinum) are eligible to take the Basic Manufacturing Skills course. The college then refers the successful completers to the company for interviews
Four North Louisiana parishes will launch a new workforce initiative on June 20, 2018 at 8:30 am at the Bossier Civic Center that will enhance the region’s ability to recruit companies and to train a skilled workforce.
Representatives from over 20 regional organizations from Bossier, Caddo, DeSoto and Webster Parishes will announce plans to become ACT® Work Ready Communities. Employers, educators, and business and community leaders are invited to attend the free public launch by registering at actworkreadynorthla.
Jessica and Katie sit down with North Louisiana Economic Partnership (NLEP) representative, Angie to give you the details about ACT WorkKeys and making Northwest Louisiana Work Ready!
An effort in Knox County, Missouri to get kids to work in their local community once they get out of high school. The county is already an A-C-T Work-Ready Community. It's a certification will prepare kids with the skills and education they need to go into the workforce. Officials say it's a step in the right direction... for business growth and student enrollment.
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