
Beauregard, striving to become an ACT Work Ready community May 19, 2017

A luncheon was held today, at the Grace Church Champion Center in DeRidder, to educate area employers about the ACT Work Ready initiative. Beauregard Parish is getting involved in this program in an effort to boost job skills and get more people into the workforce.

‘Work Ready May 15, 2017

JACKSON – Northampton County can now join the ranks of surrounding counties to call themselves a certified Work Ready Community. The county received certification in April after a stringent application process which began in February 2016.

Miss-Lou becomes first certified multi-state Work Ready region May 14, 2017

NATCHEZ — Adams County and Concordia Parish have become the first multi-state certified Work Ready Region. Adams County became the first Mississippi county in September to become American Council on Testing officially certified Work Ready Community, and ...

LEADERS HEAR BENEFITS OF WORKFORCE TESTING Leaders hear benefits of workforce testing May 08, 2017

Around 30 leaders in industry and education as well as elected officials were on hand for Thursday’s kick-off for Panola to be a “work ready” county through ACT national Career Readiness, a program pushed by Panola Partnership’s Director Joe Azar.

Governor Hutchinson introduced the ACT Work-Ready Communities Initiative. April 27, 2017

MONTICELLO,Ark. - High School students walked the campus of the University of Arkansas at Monticello, getting the feel of the college lifestyle while also being a part of a big announcement.

ACT Work Ready Community Launch April 27, 2017

A full house gathered Tuesday, April 235, 2017 in the Green Room of the John F. Gibson University Center located on the campus of the University of Arkansas at Monticello to kick off the ACT Work Ready program for Southeast Arkansas. The program is aimed ...

Governor announces Work Ready initiative April 26, 2017

Gov. Asa Hutchinson announced Tuesday an initiative that will has the goal of having southeast Arkansas declared Work Ready. The announcement, hosted in at the University of Arkansas at Monticello, made public plans that have been quietly worked on ...

Governor Hutchinson announces ACT Work-Ready Communities Initiative April 26, 2017

MONTICELLO,Ark. - High School students walked the campus of the University of Arkansas at Monticello, getting the feel of the college lifestyle while also being a part of a big announcement. Governor Hutchinson introduced the ACT Work-Ready Communities ...

ACT WorkKeys Assessments for the 21st Century Workforce April 21, 2017

ACT WorkKeys Assessments are being updated ensure ongoing relevance and alignment to the changing skill requirements of todays jobs. Learn what is changing and how it affects employers.

WorkKeys: Ronnie Reeves April 18, 2017

Calhoun County Ronnie Reeves talks about WorkKeys Success