
Aiken County School Board selects LS3P as RS-M architect October 19, 2016

The district and members of the Board of Education recognized three high school students who received platinum ACT National Career Readiness Certificates based on their scores on the ACT WorkKeys test: Jaxen Coleman of Midland Valley High School, Tyler Reedy of South Aiken High School and Eva Brinkley of Aiken High School.

New diploma to emphasize career, technical fields October 19, 2016

The Klamath County School District will begin offering a Career Technical ... The National Career Readiness Certificate is a standardized test that ...

University seeking feedback from students for potential academic modifications October 19, 2016

Director of Assessment Neke Mitchell said the purpose of IAD is to ... get what's called a National Career Readiness certificate, which can potentially ...

Nixon presents Dent County with Work Ready Community Certification October 19, 2016

Governor Jay Nixon presented Dent County with its Work Ready Community Certification Monday at Salem High School. Present for the ceremony ...

Salem, Dent County Receive Workforce Ready Certifications October 19, 2016

The Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC) program is part of state and national initiatives for counties to close the skills gap by aligning workforce ...

County to get Work Ready Certificate October 19, 2016

Mike Anthony and Union County Supervisor Frank Hart will receive the ACT Work Ready Communities Certificate for Union County at a press ..

NETWORKS focusing on getting out message, workforce development October 17, 2016

Venable touted a new eight-county effort to improve workforce development by having industry, businesses and students embrace the ACT Work Keys program to become a Work Ready Community. Venable said Washington County Mayor Dan Eldridge agreed to lead the effort.

New diploma to emphasize career, technical fields October 17, 2016

An additional requirement of this new diploma sets another goal to get the graduates workforce ready. The National Career Readiness Certificate is a standardized test that covers applied mathematics, locating information and reading information. Employers use it as a benchmark when considering new employees

Alexander County named Certified Work Ready Community October 12, 2016

The North Carolina Chamber Foundation announced it has approved Alexander

Mesa County Becoming "Work Ready" October 05, 2016

Mesa county is the first county in Colorado to become Work Ready, a nationwide program backed by the same ACT organization testing High Schooler Students before graduation. The idea is similar-- the organization tests job seekers on skills in reading, math and locating information. Workers are then ranked bronze through platinum.....