90 percent of current seniors have a work-ready National Career Readiness Certificate. Its very important that, as our students graduate, they not only have a diploma but also a portable work-based certificate,
Our ultimate goal is to ensure that each of our students are able to have a life-sustaining career,
WorkKeys, Weeks said, has been developed and adapted by researching 16,000 different jobs, and students who perform well on it are offered a National Career Readiness Certificate that many employers use as a hiring tool.
An initiative to certify Brookhaven and Lincoln County as ACT Work Ready communities is gathering steam. Several prominent community members ...
ACT is also providing, for the first time, an indicator of career readiness based on ACT composite scores. Progress toward career readiness is based on research linking ACT composite scores to levels on ACTs National Career Readiness Certificate.
90 percent of current seniors have a work-ready National Career Readiness Certificate. Its very important that, as our students graduate, they not only have a diploma but also a portable work-based certificate...
In addition, National Career Readiness Certificate Testing was made available to Cherokee and Volunteer students in addition to their Grainger and ...
science, and reading; high school equivalency prep, college placement prep; WorkKeys prep for the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC); ...
"The goal is to measure the emerging workforce," Ballard said. "ACT has a great tool for testing readiness to go to college, but what about readiness to go to work? Prospective workers need to be able to read and comprehend, locate information through spreadsheets and charts, use applied mathematics. … The tests assess people and determines where..
Ottawa County is the first in Oklahoma to receive the Work Ready designation.

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