The Wayne County jail has partnered with Indiana Department of Workforce Development's WorkOne and its affiliate organizations to provide local inmates the opportunity to gain work-ready certification ahead of their release from custody
The state Department of Employment and Workforce said last week that Richland and Jasper counties have cleared the hurdles to be named work ready communities by ACT Inc., rounding out the states total. South Carolina is the first state to have each of its counties certified.
Missouri has been one of the most active states in championing the importance of Certified Work Ready Communities (CWRC) Since the status was first awarded by college testing and credentialing provider American College Testing (ACT) in 2013
Gov. Nikki Haley announced on Tuesday that the final two counties, Jasper and Richland, have received certification through the South Carolina Work Ready Communities (SCWRC) initiative, making South Carolina the first state in the nation to become fully certified as work ready.
A Greenville nonprofit has received a $4 million U.S. Department of Labor grant that will be used to provide both free training and certification for advanced manufacturing jobs and child care for low-income parents in Greenville and Laurens counties.Initially, parents will complete assessments, including WorkKeys and the National Career Readiness
The Golden Triangle Early Workforce Initiative is seeing an increase in positive results in its second year, according to Golden Triangle Development LINK officials. This year, 273 high school juniors from across the region took the ACT WorkKeys test. Of those, 153 students earned the ACT's National Career Readiness Certificate.
Pittsylvania County is now a Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC). This nationally-recognized designation by the Commonwealth and American College Testing (ACT) signifies job-ready skill sets of the countys high school students, job seekers and incumbent workforce.
Hotel Vue General Manager Wendy Grandin said the hotel received more than 150 applications at the job fair. COPYRIGHT © 2016, Mississippi's Best Community Newspaper
South Carolina's Aiken and Union counties recently became the 43rd and 44th counties in the Palmetto State to be certified as South Carolina Work Ready Communities
Youths participate in activities that encourage and foster civic engagement. Participants also have the opportunity to earn a National Career Readiness Certificate to demonstrate the skills they have acquired.

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