Representatives in the City of Parsons are working to make the city a workforce ready community. In an effort of doing so, the city and Labette Community College is offering free testing to anyone who wants to become workforce ready.
Employers, local leaders and state officials gathered at Presto Products Friday to celebrate Halifax Countys designation as a Certified Ready Work Community.
The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce's application to have Sangamon County become a Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC) was one of eight in the country recently accepted for the program by ACT, an organization best known for college entrance exams that provides the certification.
Self confidence is key to setting career goals, shared Kim Carley of the Door County Job Center, at Door County Cradle to Careers (DCCTC) second Young Parent Workshop on April 5. Carley provided participants hands-on career exploration using Career Cruising online and coached them in goal-setting using their own personalized information.
Taking a free test could help someone get a job or trade one for a better position. It also can help Wayne County attract quality employers in the future. The deadline for Wayne County to become a certified Work Ready Community is a couple of weeks away, and it's up to residents to make that happen.
Students in grades 10-11 will get the opportunity to take the ACT. The juniors will be taking the official ACT, while the sophomores will be taking a retired, full-length practice ACT. This test day represents a goal the HCHS students have worked toward all year, in the hopes they will earn composite scores high enough to earn them scholarships
The WorkKeys tests for the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) will be offered three more times in Wayne County this month. The Wayne Occupational Readiness Keys for Success (WORKS) program will provide testing sessions on April 14, April 19, and on April 27. All of these sessions will be held in Room 136 of the Walnut Building on Way
Barton County Memorial Hospital C.E.O. Wendy Duval says being designated a Work Ready Community gives the county a big advantage. "The ability to bring additional businesses into the community," said Wendy Duval, Barton County Memorial Hospital.
A partnership between Kentucky Adult Education and the Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority launches April 1st. Its designed to help adults start or continue their higher education in college or technical schools.
DALLAS — With the approval of the facility maintenance bond last year, Dallas School District found itself with resources to design a career and technical education program of its own.

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