Staff from the University of Arkansas at Monticello College of Technology-McGehee attended an ACT Work Ready Communities Academy March 2-3 in Atlanta, Ga.
In other business, the commission: … • Approved Resolution 2016-7 requiring the use of ACT job profiles for all positions with the city and adopting the ACT National Career Readiness Certificate for hiring standards for the city.
The Q5 Workforce and Education Council of Sangamon County was recently recognized as one of eight in the nation to become a Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC), with certification provided by ACT, which is known for its college entrance exams.
The Taney County Partnership Workforce Development Task Force/Certified Work Ready Communities steering committee was originally formed to begin work on county certification through the Missouri Department of Economic Developments CWRC initiative to qualify and quantify workforce skills within the counties and states labor force.
Yesterday, the Central Louisiana Chamber of Commerce Strategic Luncheon focused on the CenLA Work Ready Network along with the National Career Readiness Certificate.
The clock is officially running for Marion and Ralls counties to complete the steps necessary to be recognized as one of the approximately two dozen Missouri counties that have earned the designation – Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC).
KEYTESVILLE, Mo. – As announced by the Missouri Department of Economic Development, Chariton County has earned status as a Missouri Certified Work Ready Community.
MONETT, Mo.— The Missouri Department of Economic Development (DED) today announced that Barry County has achieved an important national milestone in demonstrating local workforce readiness and has officially been designated as a Certified Work Ready Community (CWRC).
Launching the East Arkansas Work Ready Initiative in the county, the Phillips County Workforce Development Taskforce will host an organizational reception this Thursday, March 10 beginning at 10 a.m. at Bailee Maes
CLAYTON — Miami Valley Career Technology Center is proud to present the first graduates in the Ohio Adult Diploma Program.

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