BELLE, MO––Some 31 juniors and seniors at Belle High School successfully completed Work Keys testing and were presented with ACTs National Career Ready Certificates (NCRC) recently.
HARRISONBURG, La (Press Release) - Catahoula Parish Work Ready Team Leaders plan to announce that it has met all criteria to become a certified ACT Work Ready Community, at the Catahoula Parish Police Jury meeting on Monday, February 8, 2016, 6:00pm.
COLUMBUS, Kan. Cherokee County has become the first county in the State of Kansas to be an ACT Certified Work Ready Community. The credential certifies essential skills needed for workplace success.
SHELBY – Cleveland County is now an NC Works Certified Work Ready Community. The county was presented the certification on Tuesday morning by the North Carolina Chamber.
Howell County has been certified as a national Work Ready Community by the national college testing organization ACT, joining a select group of counties across the United States that is linking its economic development initiatives with education and workforce development.
MUNCIE —Delaware County has become the third Certified Work Ready Community in Eastern Indiana through ACT, completing 100 percent of its goals. The County joins Randolph and Rush Counties in this accomplishment. ACT launched its national Certified Work Ready Communities (CWRC) initiative in 2011.
Monday was the first day of the accelerated program in which 10 students, including four veterans, will meet for 6 hours a day for four days a week. The class is a joint project between WNC, JobConnect and JOIN, Inc. employment services in Northern Nevada. After the students complete the four-month course, they will have earned 21 credits.
Representatives from seven Delta counties kicked off their combined effort to increase workforce readiness in the region Wednesday.
In response to the skills gap and in an effort to redefine how virtual schools approach career education, K12 is working Destinations Career Academies. In addition to earning a high school diploma, graduates will have the opportunity to earn recognized industry certifications in in-demand fields and will also be prepared for the ACT National Car
The Delta Act Work Ready Community Official Launch, with the theme of Breaking News: The Delta is Changing the Narrative, organized by the Delta Council, is designed to monitor and assess work readiness of specific communities.

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