Gibson, Tennessee

Gibson County is a certified Work Ready Community that is actively engaged in maintaining their status.

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Nov 30, 2024

Goals updated only for participating counties

47023 Chester 0.35 0.52 us-tn-023 CH 47069 Hardeman 0.52 0.51 us-tn-069 HA 47113 Madison 0.50 0.50 us-tn-113 MA 47077 Henderson 0.50 0.38 us-tn-077 HE 47157 Shelby 0.63 0.50 us-tn-157 SH 47033 Crockett 0.50 0.58 us-tn-033 CR 47053 Gibson 0.51 0.51 us-tn-053 GI 47021 Cheatham 0.51 0.33 us-tn-021 CH 47147 Robertson 0.50 0.44 us-tn-147 RO 47105 Loudon 0.62 0.50 us-tn-105 LO 47037 Davidson 0.54 0.49 us-tn-037 DA 47107 McMinn 0.53 0.59 us-tn-107 MC 47011 Bradley 0.50 0.54 us-tn-011 BR 47043 Dickson 0.48 0.48 us-tn-043 DI 47125 Montgomery 0.50 0.44 us-tn-125 MO 47047 Fayette 0.50 0.50 us-tn-047 FA 47167 Tipton 0.61 0.47 us-tn-167 TI 47177 Warren 0.46 0.50 us-tn-177 WA 47031 Coffee 0.49 0.50 us-tn-031 CO 47163 Sullivan 0.46 0.57 us-tn-163 SU 47091 Johnson 0.58 0.37 us-tn-091 JO 47187 Williamson 0.44 0.42 us-tn-187 WI 47019 Carter 0.51 0.57 us-tn-019 CA 47179 Washington 0.52 0.45 us-tn-179 WA 47073 Hawkins 0.52 0.43 us-tn-073 HA 47149 Rutherford 0.52 0.57 us-tn-149 RU 47189 Wilson 0.55 0.49 us-tn-189 WI 47015 Cannon 0.44 0.49 us-tn-015 CA 47175 Van Buren 0.45 0.47 us-tn-175 VB 47007 Bledsoe 0.41 0.42 us-tn-007 BL 47035 Cumberland 0.44 0.52 us-tn-035 CU 47057 Grainger 0.38 0.44 us-tn-057 GR 47173 Union 0.48 0.58 us-tn-173 UN 47051 Franklin 0.50 0.55 us-tn-051 FR 47145 Roane 0.47 0.53 us-tn-145 RO 47087 Jackson 0.46 0.56 us-tn-087 JA 47133 Overton 0.51 0.48 us-tn-133 OV 47001 Anderson 0.47 0.48 us-tn-001 AN 47151 Scott 0.52 0.40 us-tn-151 SC 47097 Lauderdale 0.56 0.41 us-tn-097 LA 47119 Maury 0.48 0.51 us-tn-119 MA 47027 Clay 0.50 0.35 us-tn-027 CL 47111 Macon 0.49 0.45 us-tn-111 MA 47041 DeKalb 0.52 0.47 us-tn-041 DE 47039 Decatur 0.41 0.70 us-tn-039 DE 47017 Carroll 0.48 0.52 us-tn-017 CA 47161 Stewart 0.47 0.51 us-tn-161 ST 47005 Benton 0.52 0.43 us-tn-005 BE 47159 Smith 0.47 0.52 us-tn-159 SM 47141 Putnam 0.50 0.48 us-tn-141 PU 47049 Fentress 0.45 0.41 us-tn-049 FE 47103 Lincoln 0.50 0.66 us-tn-103 LI 47003 Bedford 0.50 0.52 us-tn-003 BE 47137 Pickett 0.22 0.33 us-tn-137 PI 47123 Monroe 0.46 0.50 us-tn-123 MO 47093 Knox 0.59 0.45 us-tn-093 KN 47135 Perry 0.48 0.49 us-tn-135 PE 47059 Greene 0.53 0.52 us-tn-059 GR 47171 Unicoi 0.31 0.55 us-tn-171 UN 47071 Hardin 0.51 0.54 us-tn-071 HA 47117 Marshall 0.46 0.64 us-tn-117 MA 47055 Giles 0.50 0.58 us-tn-055 GI 47099 Lawrence 0.50 0.50 us-tn-099 LA 47185 White 0.52 0.45 us-tn-185 WH 47153 Sequatchie 0.57 0.53 us-tn-153 SE 47127 Moore 0.62 0.42 us-tn-127 MO 47143 Rhea 0.54 0.52 us-tn-143 RH 47065 Hamilton 0.56 0.60 us-tn-065 HA 47079 Henry 0.40 0.47 us-tn-079 HE 47155 Sevier 0.54 0.59 us-tn-155 SE 47109 McNairy 0.50 0.50 us-tn-109 MC 47013 Campbell 0.54 0.44 us-tn-013 CA 47009 Blount 0.48 0.43 us-tn-009 BL 47121 Meigs 0.57 0.50 us-tn-121 ME 47165 Sumner 0.56 0.46 us-tn-165 SU 47115 Marion 0.49 0.57 us-tn-115 MA 47045 Dyer 0.53 0.46 us-tn-045 DY 47169 Trousdale 0.34 0.49 us-tn-169 TR 47095 Lake 0.65 0.43 us-tn-095 LA 47131 Obion 0.49 0.50 us-tn-131 OB 47183 Weakley 0.59 0.52 us-tn-183 WE 47089 Jefferson 0.58 0.49 us-tn-089 JE 47029 Cocke 0.47 0.51 us-tn-029 CO 47067 Hancock 0.30 0.52 us-tn-067 HA 47139 Polk 0.55 0.56 us-tn-139 PO 47081 Hickman 0.50 0.50 us-tn-081 HI 47085 Humphreys 0.52 0.46 us-tn-085 HU 47181 Wayne 0.53 0.50 us-tn-181 WA 47025 Claiborne 0.57 0.50 us-tn-025 CL 47061 Grundy 0.47 0.42 us-tn-061 GR 47075 Haywood 0.49 0.56 us-tn-075 HA 47101 Lewis 0.53 0.46 us-tn-101 LE 47129 Morgan 0.44 0.52 us-tn-129 MO 47083 Houston 0.66 0.37 us-tn-083 HO 47063 Hamblen 0.54 0.52 us-tn-063 HA

Status History:

Certified: Aug 2016

4 out of 5
Hover over the chart to see how they received their points.

Progress Towards Goals

Gibson is actively engaged in maintaining their status as a Work Ready Community. To do so, they must earn 5 points that prove their ongoing commitment to developing a thriving economy for employers and employees.

Traditional goals 4 Points

Maximum of 4 points possible

Current Goal - 1 points

Emerging Goal - 1 points

Transitioning Goal - 1 points

Employer Support This Period - 1 points

Optional goals 0 Points

Maximum of 3 points possible

Economic Regions Including Gibson

ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate [NCRC]

Workforce Total
Emerging High School 816 168 470 175 +
College 202 26 95 64 17
Current Private 288 35 164 79 10
Public 130 21 82 25 +
Transitioning Adult Education + 0 + + +
Unemployed 883 202 530 146 5
Recent Veteran 8 0 + + +
Workforce category not identified 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 2327 452 1344 492 39
Workforce Total
Emerging High School 816 168 470 175 +
College 202 26 95 64 17
Current Private 288 35 164 79 10
Public 130 21 82 25 +
Transitioning Adult Education + 0 + + +
Unemployed 883 202 530 146 5
Recent Veteran 8 0 + + +
Workforce category not identified 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 2327 452 1344 492 39

The table above is a detailed breakdown of the same ACT WorkKeys NCRC data presented in the upper right box on this page and represents ACT WorkKeys NCRCs earned or improved throughout the community. All ACT WorkKeys NCRC data is updated monthly.

+ Value less than 4

ACT WorkKeys NCRCs Earned

Showing: Jan 1, 2012 to Nov 30, 2024

Workforce Goals Actual NCRC
Emerging 519 1018
227 418
Transitioning 656 891
Workforce category not identified 0 0
Workforce Goals Actual
Employers Supporting 43 9

Improved ACT NCRC

To/From Bronze Silver Gold Platinum
Not Earned 21 19 2 0
Bronze 23 1 0
Silver 10 0
Gold 1

Service Delivery Locations

These are the locations in Gibson County where a job seeker can take the WorkKeys test.

  • Northwest TN Workforce Board

Participating High Schools

These Gibson County high schools help students prepare for and take the WorkKeys test.

  • Peabody High School

  • Humboldt High School

  • Gibson County High School

  • South Gibson High School

  • Milan High School

  • Bradford High School

Contact Us

For more information on Gibson County's efforts in the Work Ready program, contact:

American Job Center-Humboldt



Employers in Gibson County recognize or recommend the ACT WorkKeys NCRC

  • MTD Products
  • gold star icon Metro Industrial
  • SRG Global - Newbern
  • Baptist Hospital - Union City
  • Manpower Mid South
  • Humboldt Fitness
  • Ivy Gate
  • City of Trenton
  • Crockett County Schools
  • Humboldt City Schools
  • gold star icon Rack It LLC
  • gold star icon Carroll County Government
  • Milan Tire & Break Inc
  • Perkins Restaurant and Bakery
  • Flippin Collins & Hill PLLC
  • gold star icon Cox Oil Company
  • gold star icon Lauderdale County Government
  • Milan Supply Chain Solutions
  • Metro Industrial Services
  • Firestone Indrustrial Products
  • Kohler Company
  • Tyson Foods
  • Institutional Case Work Inc
  • Ford Construction Co
  • gold star icon West TN Healthcare

Does your business support job applicants with an ACT WorkKeys National Career Readiness Certificate?

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View All 74 Gibson County Employers Supporting

gold star icon Denotes this employers recommends job candidates have a Workkeys Certificate. Other employers recognize when job candidates hold a certificate.